Hello, Most of my experience is with Matlab/Octave, so I am a Python newbie (but enjoying it! :) )
There are a lot of things that I do in Matlab that I'd like to know the proper way to do in Python. Here are a few: MATLAB: % example vectors a=1:10; b=-5:.1:5; % set all the values above 5 equal to 6 idx=find(a>5); a(idx)=6; % extract elements idx=find(b>0) b=b(idx); % meshgrid...usually to go through all possibly values of a parameter [x,y]=meshgrid(1:10,-5:.1:5) x=x(:); y=y(:); for i=1:length(x) % do something with x(i) and y(i) end I'm sure there are more, but these jump out at me as I'm going. It seems as if the idx=find() stuff can be done with Numeric.nonzeros(), but you can't index with that, like a=Numeric.arange(1,11,1) idx=Numeric.nonzeros(a) a=a[idx] % doesn't work and what about meshgrid? Do I use the fromfunction() in some way? Is there a resource that goes through comparisons like this? thanks, Brian Blais -- ----------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://web.bryant.edu/~bblais -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list