> I would like to have an array of "structs."  Each struct has
> struct Person{
>     string Name;
>     int Age;
>     int Birhtday;
>     int SS;
> }

the easiest way would be

class Person:

john = Person()
david = Person()

john.name = "John Brown"
john.age = 35

think of john as namespace .. with attributes (we call them so) added on 

better approch would be to make real class with constructor

class Person(object):
        def __init__(self, name, age):
                self.name = name
                self.age = age
        def __str__(self):
                return "person name = %s and age = %i" % (self.name, self.age)

john = Person("john brown", 35)
print john      # this calls __str__

> I want to go through the file, filling up my list of structs.
> My problems are:
> 1.  How to search for the keywords "Name:", "Age:", etc. in the file...
> 2.  How to implement some organized "list of lists" for the data

this depend on the structure of the file
consider this format

Name: John
Age: 35
Id: 23242
Name: xxx
Id: 43324
OtherInfo: foo

here you could read all as string and split it on "New"

here small example
 >>> txt = "fooXbarXfoobar"
 >>> txt.split("X")
['foo', 'bar', 'foobar']

in more complicated case I would use regexp but
I doubt this is neccessary in your case

Regards, Daniel


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