malv wrote:
> Of course, multiprocessing has been used for many years but this always
> involved a much higher level of sophistication on the part of the
> designers. This point seems to be largely hidden from the public,
> ignorant and semi-ignorant, by the chip manufacturers.
> Will new languages see the light rendering the spreading of
> applications over many processors quasi transparent?
> What is the outlook for Python? Would Ironpython with .net do better?
> What about talk by the Java lobby that Java would be very much suited
> for taking advantage of dual-core? Is there any thruth to this?
Python has support for OS threads, but it also has the GIL (a global 
lock from the interpreter). This means that Python behaves the same way 
Java or C# do as far as threads are concerned but for one field: 
multiprocessor (or multicore) situations.

While C# or Java can execute two threads of the same process on two 
separate cores/processors Python can't.

This means that you can't choke a multiprocessor/multicores machine with 
Python threads, and that if you want to scale in a 
multiprocessor/multicore environment (e.g. make use of all the available 
cores/processors) you have to use processes not threads (e.g. you have 
to launch multiple instances of the Python interpreter, each one having 
the ability to execute on a different core/processor).

Now the question is: do you want to do it? Do you have several extremely 
demanding computational threads? If yes, then Python probably isn't what 
you need (unless you implement your computations in specific C modules 
and get rid of the GIL issue). If not (a single computational thread and 
several low-resources GUI/network/whatever threads), it's a non-issue.

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