On 2006-02-07, Joel Hedlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> You just call the failed read() or write() again.  Unless
>> there's some way that the read/write partially succeeded and
>> you don't have any way to know how many bytes were
>> read/written, If that's the case then Python's "file" object
>> read and write would appear to be broken by design.
> Wow... I tried to set up an example that would fail, and it
> didn't. It seems the test only fails if I use the keyboard to
> cram stuff into stdin, and not if stdin is a regular pipe. 

That's what I'd expect.  Resizing the terminal should have no
effect on read() calls that are pending on other things.

> Could this perhaps be some kind of misbehavior on behalf of my
> terminal emulator (GNOME Terminal 2.12.0 in Ubuntulinux 5.10)?

Nope.  Resign the terminal will abort pending I/O operations on
that terminal.  It won't terminal I/O operations pending on
other devices/files.

> Then run the prog and pipe a large chunk of text into stdin, and redirect 
> stdout to a file:
> $ cat /a/large/text/file | python winch.py > copy.of.the.large.file
> Now, what happens for me is exactly what I wanted. I can
> resize the window as much as I like, and a diff 


> $ diff /a/large/text/file copy.of.the.large.file
> comes up empty. A perfectly good copy.
> However, if I do this instead (try to use keyboard to push stuff into stdin):
> $ python winch.py > copy.of.the.large.file
> I expect python not to return until I press Ctrl-D on my
> keyboard,

sys.stdin.read() will return when there's an EOF or when the
underyling read() call is aborted by a signal.

> but it does return as soon as I enter more than one
> line of text and then resize the window (one unterminated line
> is ok). 
> Example text to type in:
> moo moo
> cow cow
> As soon as I have typed in something that includes a newline
> charater through the keyboard and try to resize the terminal,
> sys.stdin.read() will return whatever I put in no far and no
> exception raised.

Yup.  That does indeed appear to be the way it works. :)

> Weird. Could it in fact my terminal that's screwing things up
> for me?


Try this out:

import signal, os, sys

_bTerminalSizeChanged = False

def report_terminal_size_change(signum, frame):
    global _bTerminalSizeChanged
    _bTerminalSizeChanged = True

signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, report_terminal_size_change)

while True:
        s = sys.stdin.read()
        if not s:
    except IOError:
    if _bTerminalSizeChanged:
        sys.stderr.write("SIGWINCH recevied\n")
        _bTerminalSizeChanged = False

In that example, I handle IOError on write with the same
exception handler as the one for read.  That may not be exactly
what you want to do, but it does demonstrate what
window-resizing does.

When the window is resized, the SIGWINCH handler will be
called.  A pending read() may abort with an IOError, or it may
just return some buffered data.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Send your questions
                                  at               to "ASK ZIPPY", Box 40474,
                               visi.com            San Francisco, CA 94140,

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