I downloaded cx_Oracle from http://www.cxtools.net/default.aspx?nav=cxorlb and selected the windows installer for Oracle 8i, Python 2.4
>From the readme.txt file: BINARY INSTALL: Place the file cx_Oracle.pyd or cx_Oracle.so anywhere on your Python path. So I tried this and set PYTHONPATH. I then created a script called ora_conn.py with one line: import cx_Oracle When I run the script (c:\python24\python.exe ora_conn.py) I get this error in a pop-up box: "The procedure entry point OCIEnvCreate could not be located in the dynamic link ligrary OCI.dll The bottom line of what I want to do is to connect to an oracle database without having to create an ODBC connection on the individual PC. Any ideas? Thanks. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list