|| My abuser has been using the medical device to harass me the
|| last 4-5 years. I have no idea what type of a device is being
|| used on me. I believe the device is only available to
|| licensed pharmacist(s). I am not very familiar with the
|| intend usage of the device. As I understand, the device can
|| be used as a stimulator; 24 hours therapeutic session; ease
|| off a lot of emotion--anger, sadness, fear...ect.; enhance
|| recovery of mental illnesses. If abuse is the intention, it
|| can be used to sense what the other person's thinking or as a
|| form of communication through inner voices. In my case, the
|| abuser has been using it to insult me in every way he could
|| possible think of. As I know, a single device is only
|| effective if you are in the same city. Mulitple devices can
|| reach billion of people world wide.  Fear of being evaluate
|| as mental ill due to lack of physical evidence. I am hoping
|| to find out more about the device, before reporting to the
|| police. If anyone know what type of a device has been using
|| on me. Who manufacture such a device. What can I do to stop
|| the abuser from such criminal act? Please email me at
|| [EMAIL PROTECTED], I would greatly appreciated.

I am not sure of the device being used but try this....

"The power of artificial intelligence is nothing compared to the
power of human stupidity."


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