bruno at modulix wrote:

> Looks like a memory problem then...

The system I am using has 2GB of memory, (unless you are syaing the
memory is faulty).

> Why storing error messages ? Why don't you just write'em out (be it to
> stdout or to a file) ?

I guess I could do that, (write them to a file as they are discovered).
Right now the error messages are stored in the array and then the the
array is scanned via, a for loop and the error messages are written to
several files in different formats based on the severity of the errors,
(on a per device basis, a per severity basis, etc.).  This keeps the
write statements to a minimum and in a central location of the script
instead of having several statements for each individual error message
spread throughout the script, (three write statements per error message
at over 500 error messages would be a significant change).

Not to complain but if I can't use arrays then thats a pretty
significant limitation.


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