Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2006-02-13, John Salerno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I know it comes from the suffix -tuple, which makes me think
> > it's pronounced as 'toople', but I've seen (at that
> > the first pronunciation option is 'tuhple', so I wasn't sure.
> > Maybe it's both, but which is most prevalent?
> In my expereince, the latter.  I don't think I've ever heard
> the other pronounciation.

I used to pronounce it toople.  But the people that taught me Python
found it both comical and confusing.  At first they thought I meant a 2
element tuple.  So they wondered if a 3 element tuple was a threeple,
etc.  After much harrassing, I changed my wayward ways and pronounced
it tuhple to fit in with the cool Python guys. ;-)

Then we went to hear Guido speak about Python 2.2 at a ZPUG meeting in
Washington, DC.  When he said toople I almost fell out of my chair
laughing, particularly because the people who taught me to say it the
"right" way were with me.  When I looked over, they just hung their
head in shame.

I work with Guido now and I'm conflicted.  I'm still conditioned to say
tuhple.  Whenever he says toople, I just get a smile on my face.  I
think most of the PythonLabs guys pronounce it toople.



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