Magnus Lycka wrote:
> > But it turns out he actually had one, which he graciously provided
> > in response to my observation. If I had kept my trap shut, I wouldn't
> > have it, would I?
> I completely agree, but you could put your "questions" in
> a way that increases your chances of helpful replies...

Ok, but I wasn't asking a question. I was answering the
question "why is nobody using my program?". Now, if _I_
had specifically asked how _I_ could use his program,
then the snide remarks about the availability of free
compilers on the Internet would have been somewhat
justified. I had already given up any hope of ever running
probstat, so I wasn't really looking for an answer since
I was already aware of what it would take for me to
compile it on Windows. It was just a lucky coincidence
that by mentioning Windows, JD replied that he had
a pyd available.

And, strange as it may seem, asking questions the
smart way is sometimes less effective than being a
smartass. Given a chance to say

  idiot, you're wrong and here's why...

people will jump all over you. Take this thread,
for example. Of course, if they just call you an idiot
then you haven't gained anything.

But there's nobody like that on comp.lang.python, right?


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