On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 11:19:11 +0100, bruno at modulix wrote
(in article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>):

> The reason is mostly that either you need a real, full-blown, rock-solid
>  RDBMS - which MySQL is definitively not - or you dont - in which case
> SQLite is probably a much more lightweight and agile solution.

Stupid questions (I know very little about databases): 

I always thought that a SQLlite database "belonged" to a single process, can 
a database be used by several processes?

Let's say I would build a small web application that would be used by a small 
number of people/processes and it wouldn't be anything fancy just basic 
"selects". What would be the choice for this?

What about speed? I've always had the impression that while PostgreSQL is 
more complete than MySQL it's also slower.

Sorry, if these are really stupid questions but ...



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