On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 22:24:12 -0500, rumours say that "Terry Reedy"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> might have written:

>>>>> id(Parrot.f) == id(Parrot.f)
>> True
>>>>> id(Parrot.__dict__) == id(Parrot.__dict__)
>> True
>A wrapper is created and passed to id() which returns an int object while 
>releasing the wrapper back to the free list.  Then another wrapper is 
>created in the same chunk of memory and passed to id, which returns an int 
>of the same value for comparison.  The language ref only guarantees 
>uniqueness of ids at any particular instant and allows reuse of ids of 
>deallocated objects.
>I half seriously think the lib ref entry for id() should have a warning 
>that naive use can mislead.

Actually, you more-or-less just wrote what could (I also think should) be
included in the docs.
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
"Dear Paul,
please stop spamming us."
The Corinthians

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