> What I am doing is looking for a pythonic way to parse the LIST2 "code" 
> values and make appropriate changes to to each dictionary if the "code" 
> value is the first element of a list in LIST1.
> The final result may look like this given that the change is adding a new 
> key/value of "VERIFIED"/1 for the matches.


from sets import Set
vvals = Set(a[0] for a in LIST1)    # get all the List1 first elt. values
for d in LIST2:
   if d['code'] in vvals:
      d['VERIFIED'] = 1

> I know I could do this with two for loops, but am looking for a better 
> solution maybe involving list comprehension.

I think if list1 is potentially long, the main thing is to avoid n**2
running time, which means use a set or dict to do the lookups, like

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