
On 2/17/06, Brian Blais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Colin J. Williams wrote:
> Brian Blais wrote:
>> In my attempt to learn python, migrating from matlab, I have the
>> following problem. Here is what I want to do, (with the wrong syntax):
>> from numpy import *
>> t=arange(0,20,.1)
>> x=zeros(len(t),'f')

This was the line causing the type error.  t is type double (float64).  'f' makes x be type float32.  That causes the assignment below to fail.  Replacing that line with


should work.  Or the zeros_like() that Travis suggested.

>> idx=(t>5)                # <---this produces a Boolean array, probably not what you want.
>> tau=5
>> x[idx]=exp(-t[idx]/tau)  # <---this line is wrong (gives a TypeError)

You could also use
In place of

Although in this case it probably doesn't make much difference, where(expr) is more directly equivalent to matlab's find(expr).

See for more Matlab equivalents.  And consider contributing your own, if you have some good ones that aren't there already.



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