
| Tim,
|     I am skipping using the batch file and only executing the python
| script directly...and so far it works fine.
| So now I have:
| pid, retVal =
| wmi.WMI("").new("Win32_Process").Create(CommandLine="c:
| \python\python.exe
| c:\some_script.py")
| Thanks again...not sure why when using the batch file to start it
| wouldnt always work, but as long is it works now!

Thanks for letting me know. Hope it continues to work
for you.

BTW, I would recommend you either to use a raw string
for that command line (r"c:\python\python.exe c:\xx.py") or
to double up your slashes ("c:\\python\\python.exe c:\\xx.py").
As it happens \p has no special meaning that I'm
aware of, but better safe than sorry...


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