You could also use the excellent active_directory module of Tim Golden (

Your query would then become:

import active_directory

for person in ("objectClass='user'","name='Roger*'"):
print person.displayName

On 2/17/06, Roger Upole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here's a short example that uses ADO to search for a
user by wildcard.

import win32com.client
c = win32com.client.Dispatch("ADODB.Connection")

rs,rc= c.Execute("""
SELECT adspath, title, name
>From 'LDAP://DC=yourdomain, DC=COM'
where objectClass='user' and name='Roger*'

while not rs.EOF:
    for f in rs.Fields :
        print f.Name, f.Value


"LittlePython" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Thanks but I was looking more for ADO com object than ADSI or ldap.
> For some strange reason it is very hard to locate any working scripts that
> use ADO  to connect and search AD. Is there an issue with ADO and python
> when connecting to AD?
> I have try to build one myself with no luck. I think my problem is with
> adodb.command calls.
> Thanks for your response.
> "alex23" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Heya,
> >
> > There are a couple of examples on the O'Reilly site. These two are
> > taken from 'Active Directory Cookbook', the first uses a COM object
> > while the second uses a native LDAP module:
> >
> >
> t
> >
> xt
> >
> > This might give you a start.
> >
> > - alex23
> >

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