RayS wrote:
> I've begun a Python module to provide a complete interface to the
> Meade LX200 command set, and have searched for a style/development
> guide for Python Lib/site-packages type modules, but only saw guides
> for C-modules.  I realize that I need to make some changes to follow
> http://www.python.org/doc/essays/styleguide.html
> better. Does anyone have an appropriate URL for me to follow for this
> task? Is one of the C-module guides appropriate?

There are two informal Python Enhancements Proposals:
Style Guide for C Code - http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0007.html
Style Guide for Python Code - http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0008.html

> I have:
> LX200/
>      __init__.py
>      LXSerial.py
>      Telescope.py
>      Focuser.py
>      LXUtils.py
>      ... etc
> Each file has one class defined.

This style is not encuraged any more because of the ambiguity with
imports; see
for details.

> All advice is appreciated,
> Ray



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