Mladen Adamovic wrote:
> Mladen Adamovic wrote:
> > I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python
> > programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.
> I've got a lot of replies on this message.
> In jEdit auto ident don't work OK.
> Answers like vi, emacs and gedit I won't take seriously.
> For gods sake, gedit don't even have syntax highlighting (at least on
> Centos 4.2).

Actually gedit does have syntax highlighting and works quite well.
If you put down emacs so casually you obviously have no experience with
one of the most powerful text editors available. I don't use because I
like the X windows editors more.

Basically any editor that can insert spaces for tabs and maintain
indentation level works well.

For Unices:
I like cooledit, besides syntax highlighting for a variety of
languages, it uses python as its internal scripting language and has a
powerful indent/undent feature.

xcoral is good, another highly configurable editor.



ee (also know as aee) works pretty decently for maintaining tabbing

vi (*not* vim, which is a travesty that doesn't even work right) if
nothing else is available

For M$:


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