Claudio Grondi wrote:
> I have asked similar 'question' some weeks ago in the German Python
> newsgroup.
> It seems, that that Pythonistas have generally not much interest in
> IronPython waiting for at least release 2.0 of it which is _perhaps_
> expected to support Mono.

My understanding is that Mono developers are trying to make each
release of Mono support whatever the last release of IronPython was.
So there might be a lag, or you have to run a version behind, to use
Mono.  But it is supported.  At least, I think I read something to that
effect in the IronPython archives; I haven't tried it.

My more vague impression is that most Python people are happy enough
with CPython (because they better be happy, because that's what we've
had), and at least people like myself dread nothing more than trying to
install software or platforms.  I suppose there's also a group who are
interested in these interpreter/runtime level issues, but are working
away on PyPy.  PyPy has stolen away at least one major developer from
Jython (though in all fairness I think he'd mostly left anyway).

That said, I think concrete instructions on exactly how to get
IronPython up and working -- for someone with no .NET experience or
familiarity with that toolset -- would be an excellent way to bring
more attention to IronPython from the existing Python community.



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