Dear Martin !

Thanx for it:

    options = {"py2exe": {"bundle_files": 1,   # <================ this 
help me !!!!!!!!!!!!
                          "compressed": 1,
                          "optimize": 2}},
    # The lib directory contains everything except the executables and 
the python dll.
    # Can include a subdirectory name.
    windows = [wxPyHDDirList],

Can I increase level of the optimization ?
Can I increase level of the zip packing ?

Please help me: dd

Martin Franklin wrote:

>Durumdara wrote:
>>Hi !
>>I have a problem.
>>I have a little tool that can get data about filesystems and wrote it in
>>The main user asked me a GUI for this software.
>>This user is needed a portable program, so I create this kind of the
>>software with Py2Exe.
>>But it have very big size: 11 MB... :-(
>>I need to have more compressed result. Can I compress dll-s, pyd-s with
>>Py2Exe ?
>>Can I decrease the total size with something ?
>you could try UPX I think it will handle
>the .pyd and dll files (it did the last time I tested it)
>>If not, how to I create an self-unpackager and self-starter program that
>>use an temporary directory in the disk ? With WinRar ?
>I may be wrong (havn't used py2exe in a while) but I think it can now
>(again) create a single exe file?  Otherwise something like Inno Setup
> or a simple self extracting zip
>>Thanx for help:


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