Gerard Flanagan wrote:
> Brian Blais wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am trying to translate some Matlab/mex code to Python, for doing neural
> > simulations.  This application is definitely computing-time limited, and I 
> > need to
> > optimize at least one inner loop of the code, or perhaps even rethink the 
> > algorithm.
> >    The procedure is very simple, after initializing any variables:
> >
> > 1) select a random input vector, which I will call "x".  right now I have 
> > it as an
> > array, and I choose columns from that array randomly.  in other cases, I 
> > may need to
> > take an image, select a patch, and then make that a column vector.
> >
> > 2) calculate an output value, which is the dot product of the "x" and a 
> > weight
> > vector, "w", so
> >
> >     y=dot(x,w)
> >
> > 3) modify the weight vector based on a matrix equation, like:
> >
> >     w=w+ eta * (y*x - y**2*w)
> >                ^
> >                |
> >                +---- learning rate constant
> >
> > 4) repeat steps 1-3 many times
> >
> Brian
> ETA = 0.001
> INV_TAU = 1.0/100.0
> rather than:
> > params={}
> > params['eta']=0.001;
> > params['tau']=100.0;


ETA = params['eta']
INV_TAU = 1.0/params['tau']


> ie. take the dictionary lookup (and the repeated division) out?
> If you have a collection of random vectors do you gain anything by
> *choosing* them randomly?
> I'm not exactly sure if it's equivalent to your existing code, but how
> about:
>       x=random((100,250000))
>       w=random((100,1));
>       th=random((1,1))
>       for vector in x:
>               ...
>               w=w+ ETA * (y*vector - y**2*w)
>               th = th + INV_TAU *(y**2-th)
>               ...
> ?  (I'm not familar with Numeric)
> Gerard
> > old_mx=0;
> > for e in range(100):
> >
> >      rnd=randint(0,numpats,250000)
> >      t1=time.time()
> >      if 0:  # straight python
> >          for i in range(len(rnd)):
> >              pat=rnd[i]
> >              xx=reshape(x[:,pat],(1,-1))
> >              y=matrixmultiply(xx,w)
> >              w=w+params['eta']*(y*transpose(xx)-y**2*w);
> >              th=th+(1.0/params['tau'])*(y**2-th);
> >      else: # pyrex
> >          dohebb(params,w,th,x,rnd)
> >      print time.time()-t1
> > 
> >


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