On 2006-02-20, Tim Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [Daniel Crespo]
>| > Have you seen this?
>| >     http://tgolden.sc.sabren.com/python/win32_how_do_i/print.html
>| > In particular, the section on using win32print directly.
>| Yes, I have. The problems is that an external program is launched for
>| handling the file and print it. 
> [sorry, bit long-winded, but trying to help]
> I think the poster was referring to the situation you 
> described where the problem reduced to sending a .ps
> file directly to a postscript-capable printer.

<ob gloat>
People are still using OS distributions that don't know how to
print Postscript or PDF "out of the box"? 

All of the decent Linux distros have had the ability to print
postscript/PDF files "transparently" for many, many years (even
to non-postscript printers).

</ob gloat>

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Four thousand
                                  at               different MAGNATES, MOGULS
                               visi.com            & NABOBS are romping in my
                                                   gothic solarium!!

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