Rene and Tim,
Thanks for the help!  I am glad that I didn't rule out Plone yet
because I was able to download and install quickly.  My "site" was up
and running very quickly.

For this class we are more focused on the HCI/usability stuff than we
are the coding.  I have plenty of other classes that focus on the
coding.  I am hoping that we could build an extension or two using
python (if needed), and I would like to completely redesign the main
"skin," but other than that I need the CMS tool so Plone looks like a
great fit.

I tried installing Zope last night, but when I did, I couldn't find out
how to even start it for about an hour after searching.  I was worried
that if I went the Plone/Zope route, then I would need to know both.
It looks like Plone just makes Zope much easier to work with.


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