On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 12:04:38 -0700 in comp.lang.python, "Bob Greschke"

>"Roy Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

>> try:
>>    i = a.find("3")
>>    print "It's here: ", i
>> except NotFound:
>>    print "No 3's here"
>Nuts.  I guess you're right.  It wouldn't be proper.  Things are added or 
>proposed every day for Python that I can't even pronounce, but a simple 'if 
>(I = a.find("3")) != -1' isn't allowed.  Huh.  It might be time to go back 
>to BASIC. :)

I think you'll find that BASIC doesn't allow it either...

Of the "missing" "features" of Python, this one is waaaaaay down on my
list.  In fact, it's not there at all.  What I _really_ miss is
do{...}while.  The best workaround I've found is unaesthetic, IMHO:

   while 1:
      # stuff
      if exit_condition: break


Change is inevitable, progress is not.

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