Ben Wilson wrote:
> I've had the same web host ( for the past three years, and
> have had decent service. However, I'm also trying to learn Python the
> hard way--by doing. So, I figured I'd write a few Python CGIs
> (non-Zope). Unfortunately, my web host does not have mod_python. They
> only way I can run a python script is by using the .cgi extension. I'm
> not sure if I want to stick with my host and just call my apps
> index.cgi, or if I should move to a new server. If I were to move to a
> new server, which would you recomend, and why?
I'd recommend that you don't change anything until you have good reason 
- a business relationship that works is to be valued above a notional 
speed gain in a currently non-existent web application.

If you're just learning, CGI is fine. Migrate to mod_python when you 
start to feel limited by CGI, or when you discover a specific need for 
mod_python's neat functionality.

The only other advice I'd give you is to download Python on to your 
desktop or laptop machine and do some of your learning locally. It's 
quite difficult to debug through a web interface if you don't know what 
you're doing (and remember the cgitb module is your friend).

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006        


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