D wrote:
> I am trying to do the following using Python and Tkinter:
> 1)  Display a window with 1 button
> 2)  When user clicks the button, Python attempts to call a function
> that opens a socket and listens for a connection - what I want to do
> is, if the socket has been successfully opened and the system is
> waiting for a connection, to turn the button green.
> The problem I'm having is when the button is clicked, the color never
> changes and the application "locks up" until the remote end connects
> and disconnects.  Where can I put the button configuration statement so
> that it will turn green to indicate the socket was opened successfully?

You need to give some time to the GUI so it can draw. A minimal solution 
is to call root.update_idletasks() after you set the button to green. If 
you want the GUI to be responsive you have to run the socket in a 
separate thread; this recipe may give you some help though it may be 
more complex than you need:


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