kpp9c wrote:
> that is nice.... but the little further wrinkle, which i have no idea
> how to do, would be to have the contents of each directory packed into
> a different list.... since you have no idea before hand how many lists
> you will need (how many subdirs you will enounter)  ... well that is
> where the hairy part comes in...

What's the problem? If you'll get an unknown bundle of objects in a
program, you just put them in a container. A list or a dict will do
fine. Have a look at the Python tutorial.

You get a file list for each directory from os.walk. You either keep
a list called "directories" and for each turn in the loop, you do
"directories.append((dir, sound_files))", or you have a dict called
"directories", and do "directories[dir] = sound_files" in the loop.

Something like this untested code:

def isSoundFile(x):
    # home work

dirs = {}
root = raw_input('start directory')
for dir, dummy, files in os.walk(root):
     dirs[dir] = [x for x in files if isSoundFile(x)]

for dir in sorted(dirs):
     print dir
     for fn in dirs[dir]:
         print "\t", fn

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