I'm creating a scientific visualization application with rather high
demands on performance. I've created a nice rendering engine for it in
C++/OpenGL and a python interface to the rendering engine. Now I'm
looking to build a GUI in python with the rendering engine as an
integrated window. I will most likely use wxPython for the GUI and I
know it has support for adding an OpenGL canvas.

After looking around in these groups and others it seems to me that
most people doing 3D-applications simply opt to use PyOpenGL. Since my
application uses VBOs, shader programs and similar things this is not
an option for me.

My rendering engine currently uses GLUT for window handling, but what I
want to do is to create the canvas in python for use with wxPython and
then somehow toss it down to C++ for rendering and avoid using GLUT at
all. I've yet to come across an example of how this could be done.

Maybe including wxWidgets in the C++ program and just using the
wxPython-created canvas ID there will somehow be possible? I'll look
into that but any help or ideas are most welcome.

Tobias Forslöw


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