
I am currently working on an application where the user is able to 
create new worksheets and to delete existing ones. All of these 
worksheets have the same structure (--> template?), only some values 
should be changed. A minimal example would be something like this:

Name: ...........
Role: ............
Address: ............

The values are stored in a SQLite database. Now I would like to offer 
the possibility to print out a single record on a DinA4 paper. In order 
to do this, the dots (...) above of course have to be replaced by the 
current record's values and the different parts have to fit on one page.

Unfortunately I don't know how to realize this, since also some images 
and different boxes should be printed out. As the whole application is 
based on QT, QPrinter might be used, but I couldn't find any examples 
how to use it.

What do you suggest? Which format should the template have? (XML, etc.?)

Any hints appreciated!

Fabian Steiner

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