D wrote:
> Jay - what I'm not sure of is the syntax to use.  I have downloaded and
> installed py2exe.

First a question:

Have you written the server program as a windows service?  You can't
just run something as a service, it has to be written to be a service.

Your setup files will look something like the ones below.


from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
setup(name="client", zipfile=None,
      options={"py2exe": {"compressed": 1,
                          "optimize": 2,

Obviously the program here was called client.py.  You will
need an icon to supply to icon_resources.  This creates a
single .EXE file from as much as py2exe can possible put
into it.


from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
setup(service=[script:"server.py"], zipfile=None,
      options={"py2exe":{"compressed": 1,
                         "optimize": 2,

Of course replace 'server' with the name of your program.

These are merely EXAMPLES.  Your specific needs might be
different depending on specifics of your program.

Hope it helps.

Larry Bates

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