3c273 wrote:
> Hello, I have a short looping script that runs in the background
> (Windows 2000) and I want to have a tray icon so I know that it is
> running. I have looked at wxTaskBarIcon and the examples on the web
> and in the demo, but it seems pretty complex and I haven't had any
> success even getting one to show up.

wxTaskBarIcon is very, very simple!
Into the demo, inside 80 line, you can find all the taskbar work, the
menu connected with the rclick and its image change...
Where do you find this complex?

Try to make the windows taskbar with the win32 api ... :)

> Can someone point me to a simple example that just shows an icon? I
> don't need it to anything but show up. Any help is appreciated.

Copy and paste that lines into your code and remove the lines that you
don't need. I think that with 15/20 lines you will your taskbar work!

> Louis


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