I tried the script and had to get a hexdigest to get the value provided

My test:
checksum: 41a19060d3bb37bd596708ba77964491
i got: 41a19060d3bb37bd596708ba77964491

Do people normally provide md5 checksum in a hexadecimal string?
Besides that, is the script reliable?

Rajesh Sathyamoorthy wrote:
How do you calculate the md5 checksum of a file?
so far  i got this,

import md5
obj = md5.new()
file = open( 'filename',  'rb')
data = "">obj.update(data)
checksum = md5.digest()

Is this correct? Is there anything else i should do before comparing the
checksum with the one provided for the file?

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
the script has some obvious bugs, but nothing you won't discover simply
by running the program...  (did you try that?  what happened?)

Nainto wrote:
Take a look at: http://effbot.org/librarybook/md5.htm

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