Fabio Zadrozny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Which indenting features do you find missing? Note: 1.0.3 -- still unreleased
> -- has implemented if / elif /else auto unindent...

The most basic one is not having my code moving forward with sucessive TABs
pressed.  When I press TAB on Emacs it use a soft tab (i.e. what Eclips calls
'space-tab') and indent my code to the next indentation level and stop
indenting.  Even when in the middle of the line and if I'm in the beginning of
the line it moves the cursor to the beginning of the code.

Another that is related is pressing that to remove indentation from the code:
TAB means go to the next indentation level, no matter where the line starts. 

The third is using BACKSPACE to remove indentation from my code: if I'm in a
nesting level and I want to move my code one level down, I have to press
backspace 'n' times (n == the number of spaces used by soft tabs in my Eclipse
configuration) on lines where I have code.  (The menu option 'Python
backspace' doesn't work.)

These are the most annoying things since in Python indentation matters and we
use it a lot.

Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur."
- Qualquer coisa dita em latim soa profundo.
- Anything said in Latin sounds smart.

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