Richie Hindle wrote:
> A piece of that code has been chopped off by someone's newsreader - it's the
> body of a method, and ser.readline() is the last line of that method.

I'm pretty sure that's true.  Technically, however, it's still a guess, 
though at this point one I'm sure we're all comfortable making.

That's why I asked about code *after* that last line.  He replied there 
was no code before, but I think we can be generous in interpreting that 
(through the language barrier) as "no code after".

Unfortunately, at this point we're getting into application design 
issues unless and until Luca can learn enough Python and other 
programming stuff to understand why "ser" is "going out of scope" 
because it's a "local variable" and is then being "garbage collected".

(Luca, if you're reading, you really either have to just do exactly what 
Grant tells you :-), or learn about these issues enough to understand. 
If you don't know about object construction and destruction, memory 
allocation and garbage collection, the concept of "scope" and the 
difference between things like local variables, global variables, and 
attributes, we're going to continue to have an exceptionally difficult 
and frustrating time helping you.  Serial ports aren't trivial, and 
combining them with a GUI program written by a rookie is a pretty big 
order.  You can learn enough to figure this out, but it will be lots of 
work and a challenge.  If you're up to it, please go read that "how to 
ask smart questions" page thoroughly if you haven't already, realizing 
that we're not trying to be rude by asking you to read it, and pay 
attention when someone asks you to try out different things, such as 
posting a small program that reproduces the problem, or post all the 
code rather than just snippets.  Good luck.)



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