Kay Schluehr wrote:
> Colin J. Williams wrote:
>>Without detracting from the last sentence, I disagree.
>>Peter Naur's honour is long overdue.
>>Colin W.
> Sometimes it's hard for me to figure out about what somebody else
> disagrees with me in particular when I agree with him.
You wrote:
"That's very fine. Peter Naur has to be honored before he dies and Algol
gets forgotten forever. Sarkasm mode off. Is it just me who thinks that
this grand-old-man gala should be cancelled and replaced by a fields
medal mode where the jury has to prove that it is a little more up to
date? Maybe being at age of 50 would be good upper limit ( our
societies grow older  ;)  This mode would enable to honor Simon Peyton
Jones and Philip Wadler for Haskell and introducing monads to Haskell
before the language is phased out in 20+ years."

Perhaps I should have been careful to identify what I disagreed with.
> Is it possible that Peter Naur was forgotten when John Backus received
> the Turing Award right in time in 1977?
> Kay
John Backus of IBM made a very different contribution with the 
development of the FORTRAN compiler.

The Algol60 Report was more than BNF, although that was an important 

Best wishes,

Colin W.

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