As an supplement to my previous post, please find hereunder a snippet
for my unsuccessful attempt (commented out snippet does not work):
def superTuple(*attribute_names):
        nargs = len(attribute_names)
        class T(tuple):
                def __new__(cls, *args):
                        return tuple.__new__(cls, args)
                class __metaclass__(type):
                        x=property(lambda self:0)
                        y=property(lambda self:1)
                        z=property(lambda self:2)
                x=property(lambda self:self[0])
                y=property(lambda self:self[1])
                z=property(lambda self:self[2])
        #for idx, attr_name in enumerate(attribute_names):
        #       print 'attr name',attr_name, idx
        #       setattr(T.__metaclass__,attr_name, property(lambda cls:idx))
        #for idx, attr_name in enumerate(attribute_names):
        #       print 'attr name',attr_name
        #       setattr(T,attr_name, property(lambda self:self[idx]))
        return T
if __name__ == '__main__':
        assert p.x==p[0]
        assert p.y==p[1]
        assert p.z==p[2]
        assert Point.x==0
        assert Point.y==1
        assert Point.z==2



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