Rich said :
> Hi,
> (this is a probably a bit OT here, but comp.lang seems rather
> desolated, so I'm not sure I would get an answer there. And right now
> I'm in the middle of learning Python anyway so...)
> Anyway, my question is: what experience you people have with working
> with different languages at the same time?
I am an undergraduate now , majoring in  software engineering .I have 
learn three lanaguages , c/c++ , java , sql . And now I am taking a 
part-time job in a software
corporation which engage in enterprise mail system development . I must 
use php to
maintain their web sever page , while I am using perl script to process 
the mail message.
Meantime , I am very interested in python too .I can't say I am good at 
any one of these,
but I must use all of these at a time .
> Actually I did myself many years ago, on my Commodore machines, where
> I programmed a lot in both basic, assembler and machine code, and
> don't recall I had any problems with handling these parallel. But
> then, they are very different languages, so it's not easy to get their
> syntax etc. mixed up with each other. 
Yes , I feel that too . I often use break statement in perl script only 
be warned an syntax error !
> I'm more thinking about Python, PHP, C++, Perl, Euphoria, which are
> languages I'm thinking of learning now. They look much more like each
> other than basic and MC, at places some even share the exact same
> syntax it seems, so your brain might get confused with what language
> you're actually working with?
> How is your experience with handling these paralell?. And what would
> you recommend - take one (or perhaps two) at a time, and then continue
> with the next? Or is it OK to go ahead with them all, at once?
I think when anybody learn a new language , the most important thing is 
not the syntax of
that language but the builtin functions and the libraries the language 
provide !
My experience is : Learning a language is relatively easy , but being 
good at a language is a far more difficult thing!


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