On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 04:51:17 -0600
"Arthur Pemberton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would really like to code a few more widely useable apps, but
> coding the GUI just seems so boring and unnecessarily complex. Maybe
> I was spoilt by Borland's Delphi/Kylix. But is there any way to do as
> little coding of the GUI as possible, and worry about the logic? The
> best I've seen is using one tool with a modification to output python
> code, which then has to be regenerated after any change to the GUI,
> which to me, kinda defeats the "rapid" in RAD.
> Thanks, advice would be much apperciated. If it helps to know, I am
> currently more interested in Python/Gtk (but not because I
> particularly like the look of Gtk)

Glade + PyGTK + libglade does the trick. libglade (exposed as gtk.glade
in Python) allows you to load Glade interface files (the raw XML Glade
saves your interfaces as) and then connect to various signals, access
the widgets, etc.

About as fast as anything I've found. Much slicker than VB (the only
previous RAD experience I'd had that I could actually do anythin in).

- Michael

mouse, n: a device for pointing at the xterm in which you want to type.
                -- Fortune

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