Am Fri, 10 Mar 2006 13:36:18 +0100 schrieb invitro81:

> Hello
> I've recently learnt python and I do love it! I congratulate all those 
> geeks who produce this nice language; well, because I could be called a 
> nearby newbee I've decided to improve my abilities by writing my own 
> nice editor with python; so I've to choose among all those GUI toolkit's 
> available there..
> But I've no idea which one I should use to start with.. I've read that 
> tkinter seems to be the de facto standart in the pyhon community; but 
> why?

No, tkinter is not the standard. It is justed part of the standard

Here is what I think:

tkinter (or better TK) has no good table widget.

The licence for QT is GPL, this means you cannot use it in commercial
application. That is why I never looked at it.

wx is better than tkinter. But it is big and there are too many
layers: WxPython -> WxWidgets -> gtk 
I tried some examples, but it didn't "feel" good.

Now I use pygtk. I code everything, I don't used glade or something
like this.


Thomas Güttler,
E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de


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