> Has anyone yet written a program to grab C struct declaration from the .h
> to produce code like
> # Overlay configuration
> class OverlayStoreConfig(ctypes.Structure):
>     _fields_ = [('FormatVersion',   ctypes.c_ulong),
>                 ('VolumeSize',      ctypes.c_longlong),
>                 ('NumSegments',     ctypes.c_ulong),
>                 ('FreeSegments',    ctypes.c_ulong),
>                 ('SegmentSize',     ctypes.c_ulong),
>                 ('MaxVolumes',      ctypes.c_ulong),
>                 ('NumVolumes',      ctypes.c_ulong),
>                 ('MaxLevels',       ctypes.c_ushort),
>                 ('VolumeDescArray', pVolumeDesc),
>                 ]
> ?

http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/ctypes/codegen.html says it can
be done. However, it requires MSVC 7.1 and I have not yet install it
since I already have MSVC (6,7,8) on my PC.

My header file is relatively small. The manual translation exercise
also allowed me to understand more details about ctypes.


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