On 3/12/06, Andrew Gwozdziewycz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Look at the 'tadpoles' (i don't really think it's tadpoles really...
> but i'll bite for now),
> notice that it is a + sign, which we also always associate with life,
> and health (red cross comes to mind). Python
> is a healthy language. I can read it and write it without going blind
> or crazy.

The cross, the snake and the S shape are indeed very commonly
associated with a medical universe. The current logo would be perfect
for a drug company.

>  >Better eggs.python.org.  Would support the spread of the new file
>  >format, too.
> eggs.python.org actually seems quite good to me. It'd be even cooler
> if we could make EGGS an acronym for something.
> How about 'Excellently Good Getting Solution' ? (joking).

+1 for eggs.python.org


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