Fredrik Lundh wrote:

[Developer links and developer/development resources]

> this assumes that the "developers" link lead to a page that's entirely
> useless for people developing with Python.  that's not even true for
> today's "developer" page...

True. As you say, there are links to bug reporting tools and, at least
on the current site, lots of links to other, potentially useful
resources - too many in the sidebar for my liking, though. However,
other projects and companies tend to move things which developers using
the technology might find useful to other, more focused pages. Again,
looking at the PostgreSQL site, they have such resources available via
the "Support" link:

Meanwhile, keeping the more corporate style of site in mind, the
Trolltech one does have bug tracking resources on the developer page,
but then that page isn't really about developing the offered products
themselves, so there is really only one kind of "developer" audience

> (I'd solve this by adding disambiguation to the page itself, since
> people can arrive on it in many different ways.  good information
> design is not only about what's on the front page...)

True, but then I'd hope that, for example, a "Support" link would lead
to a "Support" page which had support-related resources. Any front page
link to a "developers of the implementation" page would also have to
lead to something pertinent to that description, too. But having looked
in the past at various parts of the old site in order to find canonical
resources, perhaps the biggest challenge in maintaining the Python site
is having coherent navigation with less redundant content: I got the
impression that there were a number of pages that had been kept around
"just in case we don't mention this somewhere else" and links through
such pages with no guarantee that you'd get to an up-to-date summary of
the desired information in a timely fashion, if at all.



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