On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 19:43:07 -0800, Alex Martelli wrote:

> Steven D'Aprano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    ...
>> > Can python do this?  I realize I am responsible for the menu sets,
>> > pictures .... attaching sounds etc .... 
>> There is no reason why Python can't do this.
>> If you are new to programming, I suggest you have a look at Pythoncard.
> For the original poster's purposes, I was thinking as PyGame (and PyUI
> on top of it) as perhaps more suitable. But, sure, it won't be a
> cakewalk, for somebody without any programming experience, with either
> toolkit set (Pythoncard+wxPython, or PyUI+PyGame).

Where did we go wrong? This sort of project would have been literally a 30
minute job with Apple's now defunct Hypercard program, and 20 of those
minutes would be looking for suitable images to use. 

It's half a decade into the 21st century. Why aren't there modern,
advanced GUI development systems that have as simple a front end as
technology that existed in 1988?



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