> -- The states are lists of regular expressions
> -- where [a,b,..] means match a or b or...
> I haven't run or studied your program yet myself but what I had in mind
> was that the list of wc's are *all* to be excluded, so the list
> [wc1..wcn] is to correspond generating all tuples matching not(wc1 and
> .. and wcn).  Maybe you're already doing that. The wc's themselves
> could be logical statements among the 'primitive' wc's.  That's why I
> named it the 'wildcard exclusion problem'. It's a lot easier to specify
> a list of simpler wc's than create a long logical expression.

I missed "any logical combination" :-(

It would be quite easy to fix my first program, but I don't have the
time to do it right now.

Best regards

I am searching for programmers who are good at least in
(Haskell || ML) && (Linux || FreeBSD || math)
for work in Warsaw, Poland

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