> Hi,
> I don't know what type of files they are, but the script allows me to
> save to a bitmap just fine. But I do know they need to be in RGBA 4444
> format, so I've followed what most of the tutorials for RGBA
> conversions said to do...shifting the bytes.
> The major problem is that everything is in green, it's shifted up by x
> pixels, and it's..um..flipped from left to right. I've been working on
> this for a few weeks now and any insight to the problem is greatly
> appreciated.
> http://www.geocities.com/fisherdude_99/TestImg.zip

This doesn't really answer your question, but have you looked into PIL yet?

(except, hmmm.... it looks like the web site is down right now.  Check back

It's got a bunch of different formats supported natively and makes image
processing work a lot easier in some respects.

Steve Juranich
Tucson, AZ


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