Hi there, I'm pleased to announce PyGNUGK v3.50 which is available under the terms of the GNU GPL from :
http://cortex.unice.fr/~jerome/pygnugk/ PyGNUGK is a Python library which allows full control over one or more instances of the GNU GateKeeper (http://www.gnugk.org) from any Python program. PyGNUGK comes with : - The Python library. - Sample code : - A sample program which can be run : - From the command line : it prints plain text, HTML or XML reports about the list of registered endpoints and ongoing calls. - As a CGI script : When there's no user authentication, it allows the same reports as from the command line. With user authentication (i.e. Apache's .htaccess files) the HTML report contains links which can disconnect active calls or endpoints and unregister endpoints. - A test program which tests all available functions of the gatekeeper. - A Zope Product : For now it can produce HTML and XML reports, but more features will be added later. NB : the sample programs can be used directly, however for advanced needs you have to use the library. A screenshot of the CGI script taken from an earlier release is available from : http://cortex.unice.fr/~jerome/pygnugk/screenshot.png Comments are very much welcome. bye Jerome Alet -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list