> I downloaded PyExcelerator.zip as I need to write some data into Excel
> files, and tried unsuccessfully to install it. I unzipped the files
> into C:/Python24/Lib/site-packages/PyExcelerator, and in a python
> command line window typed
> >>>os.chdir("C:/Python24/Lib/site-packages/PyExcelerator")
> followed by
> >>>python ./setup.py install
> exactly as stated in README.txt. However all I get is a SyntaxError.
> I then tried various combinations  - with and without enclosing quotes,
> with and without ./, and in all cases I get a SyntaxError. Has anyone
> installed this program successfully? If so, what's the magic ingredient
> for a successful install?

use a windows *command interpreter* window, instead of typing windows
commands into a Python interpreter.

(if you cannot find it in your start menu, select "run..." and run the "cmd"



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