Yes. But they have different motivations.

The mini-language concept is to design an input format that is convenient  
for human editor and that is close to the semi-structured data source. I  
think the benefit from ease of editing and flexibility would justify  
writing a little parsing code.

JSON is mainly designed for data exchange between programs. You can hand  
edit JSON data (as well as XML or Python statement) but it is not the most  

Just consider you don't have to enter two quotes for every string object  
is almost liberating. These quotes are only artifacts for structured data  
format. The idea to design a format convenient for human and let code to  
parse and built the data structure.


> Hmm,
> Do you know about JSON and YAML?
> They have the advantage of being maintained by a group of people and
> being available for a number of languages. (as well as NOT being XML
> :-)
> - Cheers, Paddy.
> --


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