You must rename Your script.
Your script doesn't same name as calling module.

Tomas Brabenec 

DataSmash napsal(a):
> Hi,
> When I import the random module at the python interpreter, it works
> fine:
>>>> import random
>>>> x = random.randint(1,55)
>>>> print x
> 14
> BUT, when I put the same code in a python script:
> *
> import random
> x = random.randint(1,55)
> print x
> and run it at the command line, I get:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File p:\temp\, line 7, in ?
>       import random
>    File p:\temp\, line 8, in ?
>       x = random.randint(1,55)
> AttributeError: 'module" object has no attribut 'randint'
> I run scripts at the command line everyday so there must be something
> specifically
> wrong with the "random" module, unless I'm totally missing something
> here.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> R.D.

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