On 2006-03-23, Michael Yanowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> With that terse description and the subject line I would interpret the
>> OP like so:
>>>>> print re.sub(".*\.",".","0.666")
>> .666
>>>>> print re.sub(".*\.",".","123.666")
>> .666
> Or if you're allergic to regular expressions:
>>>> print "." + "0.666".split(".")[-1]
> .666
>>>> print "." + "123.666".split(".")[-1]
> .666

>   how about this solution:
> def printDecimal(number):
>     if (number < 0):
>         print number - int(number)
>     else:
>         print int(number) - number

Well, for one thing it doesn't work:

>>> def printDecimal(number):
...  if (number < 0):
...   print number - int(number)
...  else:
...   print int(number) - number

>>> printDecimal(0.666)
>>> printDecimal(-0.666)

Secondly, it was top-posted. ;)

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