Michele Simionato wrote:


There is a minor bug in your code:

> def thisclass(proc, *args, **kw):
>    """ Example:
>    >>> def register(cls): print 'registered'
>    ...
>    >>> class C:
>    ...    thisclass(register)
>    ...
>    registered
>    """
>    # basic idea stolen from zope.interface, which credits P.J. Eby
>    frame = sys._getframe(1)
>    assert '__module__' in frame.f_locals # 
> <----------------------------------- here
>    def makecls(name, bases, dic):
>       try:
>          cls = type(name, bases, dic)
>       except TypeError, e:
>          if "can't have only classic bases" in str(e):
>             cls = type(name, bases + (object,), dic)
>          else: # other strange errors, such as __slots__ conflicts, etc
>             raise
>       del cls.__metaclass__
>       proc(cls, *args, **kw)
>       return cls
>    frame.f_locals["__metaclass__"] = makecls
> Figured you would like this one ;)
>                   Michele Simionato

See this example:

>>> import sys
>>> def in_class_statement1():
...     frame = sys._getframe(1)
...     return '__module__' in frame.f_locals
>>> def in_class_statement2():
...     frame = sys._getframe(1)
...     return '__module__' in frame.f_locals and not \
...            '__module__' in frame.f_code.co_varnames
>>> class A(object):
...     print in_class_statement1()
...     print in_class_statement2()
>>> def f():
...     __module__ = 1
...     print in_class_statement1()
...     print in_class_statement2()
>>> f()


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